Writers Studio is a monthly, live, one-hour Q&A session via Zoom with Stacy, in which you can ask your questions about:

photo courtesy of Brett Jordan on Unsplash.com

  • Your writing project

  • The writing process in general

  • Story development

  • Self-publishing

  • Traditional publishing

  • Ghostwriting

  • Book Marketing and distribution

  • Or anything else related to writing and publishing

Here’s How it Works

On the second Tuesday, of every month, at 4:00 p.m. PST, Stacy will host a Zoom room in which you ask your questions about writing, storytelling, and publishing, and then she will answer those questions right there on the spot. Even if you don't have a question, come to Writers Studio anyway and listen to the Q&A discussion. Get inspired and motivated (by the things people ask), so you can complete your own writing project. You’ll discover things about writing and publishing you never knew, prompted by the questions and discussions that follow.

These are the dates and times for 2023 Writers Studio meetings.

Are you ready to get a head start on your writing project?

Wherever you are in your process, you'll always have questions. The Writers Studio is a great way to get those questions answered, and determine if writing and sharing your story is right for you. Join Stacy the second Tuesday of every month, and get up to speed on your book by addressing any writing and publishing questions you have.

Cost: $29 per month
(billed monthly)
Cancel any time
(no minimum time limit required)